Read Me
March, 2006
There’s a NIKE ad which proclaims. “Do it.” So instead of sitting around proclaiming that I am “going to up-date the site”, I have!
Obviously the big event for us all is the May re-union. Some people are all lined up to go, which is wonderful. Some can’t, others are still deliberating. Those of you in the Yahoo group have seen Rosemary’s offer to host a reunion later in the year. Think about it: it is such a generous offer. Scroll down to STOP PRESS for a list of up-dates.
September, 2005
I've been talking about this for a long while, and I think we are finally there. The format isn't exactly what I want, but it is close enough.
I have posted all the information and photos I have received since the last major up-date, which I am ashamed to say was Christmas of 2002. So some of the news is pretty old, and I hope it inspires some of you to send in some more up to date information. The whole beauty of this set-up is that I can up-date each person's page in a matter of minutes, rather than waiting until I have enough information to justify setting up a newsletter and mailing it. You should be able to click on the link to each name and be taken right to the latest news. Ideally, I would have gone back and put in all the submissions from the first two newsletters, but the formatting problems I described earlier make that incredibly time consuming or maybe impossible.
I should also add that although this is a public document, the odds of anyone you know finding it are pretty slim. I have been running my own private blog Amen with a T for a couple of months now. Not only has it not been "discovered": even the people I have told about it don't read it.
Even so, I have been protective of your identities and no identifiable information will appear. So if you get a new address or e-mail address, either send it to each other or e-mail me and I will get the changes out by e-mail or regular mail. As always, I will edit the information you send, but if ever there is something that you write to me personally which is not for public consumption, either by this group or the "blogosphere", please indicate your concerns.
Obviously I am hoping that those people who do not regularly access a computer will start to make regular visits to the library to follow up on the growth of this endeavor. I have announced this both by e-mail and regular mail in case you do not open your e-mail on a regular basis. I will also provide print-outs to anyone unable to read this on-line at home or the library and can send copies of the paper issues to anyone who has lost hers.
Where applicable I am adding links directly to other sites. Follow them up and happy reading.
Note, too, that it is possible for you to click on the "Post a Comment" link at the bottom of every page and leave a message. You will have to register and sign in to Blogger to do so, but it may be fun.
STOP PRESS. You will find up-dates from Angela, Anne, Rosemary T, Marion, Dilly, Audrey, Betty, Frances, Rosemary L, Meg, Susan and me.
My reporting pulled together a wide array of e-mail, hand written letters, etc. If I have left anything out, please let me know. And keep the photos coming.
Navigation note: until I can figure how to put links in the sidebar, you can go from one entry to another most easily by scrolling to the bottom of a page and clicking on “home.”
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